Saturday, March 24, 2012

Guerilla Printing Launch Party

My art teacher, Mr. Azzopardi, let myself and bunch of students know about the Guerilla Printing launch at The Comic Book Lounge + Gallery in Toronto last night. The event was put on by amazing artist and all-around great guy Lamin Martin. Most of the artwork featured was from artist Mike Del Mundo, seen signing some of his work. The gallery was packed, and everyone had a great time. Thanks to Lamin for putting it on, to Mike for displaying some great art, to Mr. A for letting us know about it, to Ben for driving me, and to everyone else who helped put this experience together.

Alex, Ben, Lamin and Mr. A below. More after the jump.

Artist Mike Del Mundo signing some works.

Lamin and Mr. A catching up.

I do not know your name, but you are amazing. That Arc Reactor was badass.

Mr. A going nuts over TWD. 

Myself and Lamin.

And to finish the night off, a gigantic plate of chow mein. At 12:30am. I love Toronto.

Here are a few links, I definitely recommend checking these guys out!

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